1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV) So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Staying Healthy While Traveling

This is the time of year when many of us are taking summer vacations and doing lots of traveling in general. Being out of our normal routine and surroundings can be one of the biggest set-backs to our healthy lifestyles. I've had patients say to me "I only gained 3 pounds while I was away". Doesn't seem that bad, right? Keep in mind you have to eat an EXCESS (i.e. above and beyond what your body needs to maintain its current weight) of 3,500 calories in order to gain one pound of fat. So, if you gained 3 pounds (assuming that it's all fat mass which I'll admit is not a totally fair assessment) you would have eaten an excess of 10,500 calories - the equivalent of about 21 McDonald's Big Macs.

It's definitely OK to splurge a bit on vacation - that's what they are for! However, don't totally fall off the wagon; you'll have to burn off those 10,500 calories when you get home - which is not fun. Here's some tips for staying on track.

1. Don't give up your exercise routine! Most hotels have great fitness facilities that you can use. Also, try to do a lot of walking. Especially if you are in a big city - try walking places instead of taking a car or train.

2. Pack some healthy snacks. Throw some non-perishable healthy snacks from home in your suitcase and purse/carry-on (if flying). Foods available at the airport are usually overpriced and unhealthy - be prepared! If traveling by car, same thing; pack a cooler with healthy beverages and snacks. I pack several single-serving packages of my Heart Healthy Oatmeal (see recipe on blog) in my suitcase - all you need is some hot water (which you can usually get from the coffee pot in the room).

3. Find a grocery store. Next time that you're traveling (especially for an extended stay) find a grocery store nearby where you can pick up some fresh fruit and other healthy items. Many times there is a mini-fridge in the room where you can store perishable items. If no mini-fridge most fruit will last at room temp for at least a couple of days. This will save you both time and money.

Happy and safe summer travels!

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