1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV) So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

It's raining, but what's the truth?

It's raining but the truth is that I just don't feel like running this morning. One of my UNC mentors was telling about an exercise she uses in her weight loss trials called "What's the truth?". It's an exercise that allows the group participants to talk about some of the excuses they might be using to engage in a healthy behavior. This got me thinking about all my "What's the truth?" moments and believe me, there are many. Sometimes there really are good excuses that we need to either not exercise or engage in an otherwise less healthy behavior. For example, if you sustain a serious injury or have a pressing deadline. However, most of the time these events are merely excuses we use to hide the real truth that we simply don't want to face up to. Here are a few of mine.

1. I need to catch up on my sleep.
2. It's too cold outside.
3. Is this really healthy for me?
4. I deserve this!
5. I've got a headache.

So the next time the excuses are running through your head stop for a moment and ask yourself, "What's the truth?".

After the run in the rain.

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