1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV) So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Give it 5.

This morning I felt like running about as much as I felt like shooting myself in the foot. The foot shooting almost won out....kidding. Please don't sent the EMS, I'm fine. I have many, many mornings like this. I'm tired. It's been a long week and I'm pretty worn out both physically and mentally. I'm sure that if we ever have children this will be even more of an issue but the fact that I'm developing and practicing strategies to help me overcome this barrier now is what's important (or at least I hope so...). 

I know that if I go for a run my whole day will feel more centered. Just like my prayer time in the morning centers me. I'll be able to focus better, my mind will be clearer, I'll feel better and will generally be in a much better mood. For those of you who are morning exercisers, you've likely experienced this. But, getting started can be so very hard. I like to exercise in the morning because I "get it over with". Not necessarily meaning that I hate exercising all the time but I know that other things in my life will win out as I keep pushing it off until later in the day.

I know that consistency is what's most important (at least for me). It's all about the habit and making it a regular part of my life. Our bodies were meant to be active; it's only a result of our environment that we are all now so sedentary. This is why I try to be active every day; not necessarily structured exercise every day but being as active as possible in my daily routine. 

So, in order to maintain this consistency my general rule is to "give it 5". I'll start exercising and if I'm really truly miserable after 5 minutes I know I need a break. 99% of the time all I need is 5 minutes to get those endorphins running and to start feeling really great. By giving myself this 5 minute rule I'm (to some degree) giving myself an out so that the task ahead doesn't seem totally overwhelming. 

I realize this strategy may not be a good fit for everyone but it seems to work for me so I thought I'd share it on the blog. 

Also, wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Easter. 
Mark 16:6
And he said to them, "Do not be amazed; you are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who has been crucified. He has risen; He is not here; behold, here is the place where they laid Him. 


P.S.  Anyone reading this? Would love to hear from you!
P.P.S. Went grocery shopping yesterday. Easter Candy (1), Danielle (0)


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