1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV) So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

WW Rosemary Bread + Black Bean Dip

I found this wonderful recipe for Rosemary Olive Oil Bread on Pinterest that I wanted to share. The recipe can be found on this lovely blog: http://www.ahintofhoney.com/2011/04/rosemary-olive-oil-bread.html. For those of you, like me, who don't have the best track record with making yeast breads, have hope! I found this recipe quite simply and the bread came out fabulous. Clay claims that it's one of the best breads he's ever had. Definitely a make again! Here's a pick of mine:
My version of the bread (this is what's left of the loaf after only two days).
If anyone living in the area wants any fresh rosemary, we have tons! Please let me know and I'll bring you some.

Just one of the rosemary bushes outside our house!
A grad school friend of mine gave me a wonderful (and super simple) recipe for a black bean that goes wonderfully with crudites or tortilla chips. As a heads up, I don't measure anything on this recipe; I just throw in the spices to the degree that I feel is appropriate. Here's the recipe:

Linden's Black Bean Dip
2 cans black beans (she starts with dried black beans which is healthier and more cost-effective but takes more time)
lime or lemon juice
chili powder
garlic powder or fresh garlic
cilantro (lots!)
red pepper flakes
hot sauce (if you prefer)
olive oil
water (the water is added to change the consistency to your preference)

Mix everything together in a bowl. Process (in batches if needed) in a food processor.
And, just so you all don't think I eat sheet cake and cadberry eggs all the time. Here's what I'm having for lunch today: rosemary oo bread (with butter), strawberries, pineapple and kiwi, broccoli and cauliflower with black bean dip, about 1-2 ounces of cheddar cheese and a granola bar I recently made (oats, semi-sweet choc chips, raisins, coconut and peanut butter, quite tasty!)

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